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Re: Federal Employment Office switches to Linux

On Wed, 23 Jan 2008 19:09:48 +0100, Hadron wrote:

> Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> ____/ Peter Köhlmann on Wednesday 23 January 2008 12:30 : \____
>>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> < snip > 
>>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>> | Microsoft’s recent history on patents (particularly since the Novell
>>>>> | deal in November 06) has a particularly public persona:
>>>>> | 
>>>>> | Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith and licensing chief Horacio
>>>>> | Gutierrez sat down with Fortune recently to map out their strategy for
>>>>> | getting FOSS users to pay royalties. - Fortune
>>>>> | 
>>>>> | “Novell pays us some money for the right to tell customers that
>>>>> | anybody who uses SuSE Linux is appropriately covered,” Ballmer said...
>>>>> `----
>>>>> http://brendanscott.wordpress.com/2008/01/18/more-on-the-osp/
>>>>> More quotes there. It's not a secret, it's a reality. Ignoring it won't
>>>>> make it magically go away.
>>>> So when Ballmer utters his shite about Novell, it gets somewhat magically
>>>> true. Otherwise it is, and stays, just bullshit and FUD
>>>> Nice
>>> *This* we agree on Peter. It's bullshit and FUD. But even people outside
>>> Microsoft seem to suggest it's true. That includes Jeremy Allison.
>> So, in short: You don't have a shred of evidence regarding Novell
>> It just "seems to be true". And I don't care the tiniest little bit who
>> is "included" or not.
>> I have asked you several times by now to post evidence, not your (or even
>> worse, Mark Kents) idiocy.
>> I note that you are unable to do so. You just have "seems so"
>> Dishonest asshole
> A post of Peter's which is on the ball. Well done.

Peter has Roy all figured out and he has had him figured out for quite a
while judging by his past posting in Google.
I suspect others are not as ignorant as they seem to be and they too have
Roy figured out, but to take a stand against the king of COLA is a big
And then to prove the Windows trolls were correct all along is even worse.
To his credit, for better or worse, Peter at least speaks his mind and
certainly doesn't follow the crowd around like a lost German shepherd.

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