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Re: Bless you, Mark Kent

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ Mark Kent ] on Thursday 29 June 2006 17:56 \__
> > begin  oe_protect.scr
> > chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> >> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> >>
> >>>__/ [ chrisv ] on Thursday 29 June 2006 13:43 \__
> >>>>
> >>>> Larry's had similar tantrums in the past.  He once
> >>>> called someone's mother a whore, IIRC...
> >>>>
> >>>> He's a real class act.
> >>>
> >>>Like flatfish, he changes colours (personality/temper). Unlike Flatfish, I
> >>>don't think he does this as part of a grand plan -- a tactic if you like.
> >>>He's just having good days bad days.
> >>
> >> I think you're right.  He's generally civil, but if you get him really
> >> mad, he can behave unacceptably, even by usenet flame-war standards.
> >>
> >
> > Apparently, this kind of behaviour is becoming recognised as some kind
> > of illness, but the psychologists working on it noted that it seems to
> > be much much more prevalent in the US than anywhere else in the world -
> > thought to be a cultural issue.
> To comment on words I would rather not reply too directly (it's like stepping
> on coal over there...):
> __/ [ L ] on Thursday 29 June 2006 17:28 \__
> > Mr. T wrote:
> >> In article <1151592529.005017.9310@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, L wrote:
> >> >> Mark falsely (yet politely and innocently) pointed something out.
> >> >
> >> > Politely and innocently???? Are you kidding me. His response was: "The
> >> > qualig troll is wrong"  Feel free to point out the "polite and innocent"
> >> > portion of his response. He then proceeded to call me a troll in another
> >> > post for absolutely not reason.
> True.

Accurate, true and strange why he would randomly insult people for
absolutely no reason at all.

> >> Not surprising, consider how Mark approaches usenet.  His basic procedure
> >> is to quickly killfile people who annoy him, then whenever he sees a
> >> fragment from them quoted by someone else, to jump in and tell everyone
> >> how he killfiled them (does he expect a gold star or something?), and to
> >> also throw
> >> random insults their way in other posts.  (Killfiling people is fine, but
> >> when you do that, you should (1) shut the fuck up about it--it is not a
> >> major accomplishment to use a kill file, and (2) stop talking about them
> >> or making remarks to them in your posts).
> If the intent of the participant was truly benevolent and the posting history
> likewise, this would be a different scenario altogether.

I'm missing the point you're trying to make.

> > Bingo - you've hit the nail on the head with your description. If he
> > and someone else wants to killfile me then go right ahead. I really
> > don't care. But the killfile is a 2-way street. You can't killfile
> > someone and then talk about them in every other post you make and
> > randomly throw insults at them for no reason what-so-ever. If he wants
> > to killfile me then fine, but since he's not reading any of my posts he
> > should simply STFU and quit talking about me since it's clearly out of
> > context since he never read my posts.
> >
> > Emphasis on the "throw random insults their way in other posts" because
> > this is precisely the reason I started this thread.

> You too, Larry, have degraded to the level of personal insults,

So if someone decides to insult me for absolutely no reason at all
(none) I should just sit back and take the abuse? This isn't in my
personal doctrine. If I'm in a bar and someone accidently spills a
drink on me I will gladly accept their apology. But if someone wants to
walk up to me and intentionally throw a drink in my face then my
response will be quite different. Whether it's verbal or physical... I
will not take any unwarranted abuse lying down.

> driven by the observation that not all others behave and
> think in the same way yourself. That's why I added a scoring rule.

Not at all. I've always said that you learn more from people who
disagree with you. I have no problem with anyone who has a difference
in belief or opinion from my own. As long as they are able to make a
valid and reasonable case I will respect their opinion, even if I
happen to disagree with it.

What I don't accept is when someone decides that they will "randomly"
throw insults at me in order to reaffirm their point. (And there is
absolutely zero question about the fact that he randomly insulted me
for absolutely no reason at all.)

> >> So, if you post 1 thing that annoys him and 10 things that he would agree
> >> with, he only sees the 1, because you were in the killfile for the other
> >> 10, and he then judges you forever based on that 1 thing.
> >>
> >> Since one of the things that annoys him is when someone who knows more
> >> about a subject points out a flaw in one of his posts, the net result is
> >> that everyone who knows more than him will eventually end up in his
> >> killfile.

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