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Re: (News) Kasparov Introduces New Search Engine

__/ [ Who Turned Off The Lights? ] on Thursday 23 March 2006 16:04 \__

> On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 08:06:14 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Who Turned Off The Lights? ] on Thursday 23 March 2006 07:49 \__
>>> Yes, 'Simplicity' really is IMHO Google's calling card.
>> Have you taken a look at Google Finance yet? I think *that's* where they
>> may have taken a wrong turn. Try descending to the level of an individual
>> stock. Lo and behold! It's bloat which requires modern browsers too. As
>> usual, invalid (X)HTML, but what else could you ever expect from Google?
> Were you referring to the huge amount of clutter there?
> I rather liked what I saw there. The interactive graphs and such were
> pretty nice. I also appreciated how I didn't need to know the stock symbol
> to look up a company.

Yes, that was missing from Yahoo, who have provided some clunky symbol for
ages. With Google in the picture, Yahoo will have a motive to improve. I was
not complaining about Google's rich breakdown of stock details and company
profiles. I (intended to) point(ed) out that:

* This is rather unusual for Google's 'traditional' services (leave
Measuremap, Urchin and Keyhole aside as they are takeovers), which are
usually bare-bone and simple. Remember when Google was a search engine?

* This badly affects people with slow connections.

* This affects device/O/S/browser compatibility, e.g. Lynx, PDA browsing,
blind investor.

It's a choice. Whether a good or a poor one is the main question.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Stand for nothing and you will fall for anything"
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