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Re: [Rival] Microsoft Loses Developers, So It's Dumping Free (Gratis) Lockinware

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> ____/ Linonut on Tuesday 19 February 2008 22:34 : \____
>> * amicus_curious peremptorily fired off this memo:
>>> "Linonut" <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>> news:cpHuj.90046$rc2.79435@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> No.  There's an idiot who likes to shadow chrisv, pretending to plonk
>>>> things.  Look for "bananasplit.org" in the headers.
>>> I see what you are saying, but I can think of nothing so pointless as
>>> emulating that dumbass.
> Weisgerber,
> Why don't you get a freaking life and stop sucking Bill Gates' cock?
Says the paid shill who spends his entire life (24/7/365) spamming the 

> How much
> are they paying you to /invade/ various Linux forums? Scum like you has
> integrity,
A cold turd has more integrity then a paid liar like you Roy Schestowitz. 
Certainly more balls because you run away like a coward when confronted with 

> so I'm sure these words are not moving. I'm not a religious person
> either, so I know you're not going to hell.
You seem to be in a bad mood. Did your boss complain about the low quality 
of your posts and threaten to reduce your payments?

> But you should seriously think
> what you contributed to society,
What exactly have you contributed to society?

> other than checking exams in some college,
> hoping to make an extra nickel to serve your 'heroes' in that criminal,
> tax-evading, charity-attacking, "tilt this and that into the death spiral"
> organisation known as Microsoft.
Anything is better than being a scum-of-the-earth paid spammer like you Roy 

> Fortunately, much as your presence here tells, Free software
> is gradually crushing Microsoft.
Only in your small twisted mind.

> It hurts it in the pocket, so some years down the line
> that PR checks they send you will stop coming. Gates and his funds will 
> get
> little more than ridicule when they find out more about Gates' real 
> ambition.
> As quotes from him (off the record) show, the man is obsessed with money.
> Unlike you, he actually has some because he resorted to crime (again, just
> like you in a sense).
And some day the sun will burn out and the earth will be a cold dead planet.

> Microsoft is running low in terms of cash and talented employees.
Running low on cash? Do name a dozen companies that have more cash than 
Microsoft. I guess that BILLIONS a year in profits doesn't count.

> You know it, I know it.
You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

> You and various other shills in the press try to just hypnotise
> people, but they are no longer quite so foolish. Other journalists are
> beginning to discover a Microsoft that goes into debt. It's like Enron in 
> a
> sense. Ballmer's boiler room secrets come out.
Yet more black helicopter conspiracies from the queen of delusion. Ballmer 
is out to get you... and I bet that you have an anonymous email from a 
reliable source to prove it!

>> I dunno 'bout that, he has pegged some people pretty well.
>> Certainly well enough to have attracted an internet lap-dog.
> Weisgerber is a shill. Microsoft has several of them.
And Roy Schestowitz is a liar, dirtbag paid spammer.

> Some of them shamefully
> come out and admit this,
At least they're honest which is more than anyone can say about you.

> but not enough attention is paid to their shy voice.
> The world goes by with an 'ecosystem' where one scum covers anothers' back 
> for
> a nickel. Microsoft almost takes pride in this. It operates like a 
> seclusive
> cult, much like secret societies (with many secrets).

Seclusive cult. Sounds like linux to me. The difference is that he probably 
knows how to take a shower.

> -- 
>                ~~ Best of wishes
> Roy S. Schestowitz      | Windows leaves me peckish
> http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
> Tasks: 129 total,   1 running, 127 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie

>      http://iuron.com - knowledge engine, not a search engine
Not a search engine. But a total piece of garbage shit.

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